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Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry

Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry is Chairman Sanober Institute, Islamabad, an independent voice on global and strategic issues of relevance for Pakistan. He has a 37-year long career in the Foreign Service of Pakistan, rising to the rank of the Foreign Secretary. Mr. Chaudhry’s last diplomatic assignment was as Ambassador of Pakistan to the United States of America. He has also served as Ambassador of Pakistan to the Netherlands, Foreign Office Spokesman, Additional Secretary for UN and disarmament, Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations in New York, Director General for South Asia, and Director at the Tehran-based ECO. He started his diplomatic career with postings in the Middle East: Cairo, Doha, and Tehran. Later in his career, he remained closely associated with the India-Pakistan peace process as well as relations with the United States. After retirement, he served as the Director General of the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad for over four years. During this term, he oversaw the organization of conferences, roudtables, and symposia on subjects of global contestations and their impact on Pakistan.

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Discover the latest insights and analyses by Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, covering topics such as international diplomacy, defense strategies, and global affairs. Stay informed with expert perspectives on key developments shaping the world.

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A RUSSIAN delegation has recently visited Islamabad to explore the possibility of the ‘seamless’ flow of energy from Russia to Pakistan. It is not yet

Redefining defence

EVERY Sept 6, Pakistan marks Defence Day to celebrate the determination of the nation and its armed forces to defend the country against India’s aggression

Lavish diplomacy

EARLIER this month, India hosted, with gaudy fanfare, the 18th meeting of the G20. The outcome was an 83-paragraph declaration, which called for green development and
